In this essay, I was asked to go to Chelsea Galleries and pick up two artists works which I think I would like to collect and I would not to collect. I am going to present my opinion about what I saw in these galleries, also present my works as well. I chose two artists from different galleries; my first artist was Rachel Harrison (Gallery: Greene Naftali), and the second one was Gilbert & George (Gallery: Lehmann Maupin).
My first visit was in Gallery: Greene Naftali and the artist on display was Rachel Harrison. What I liked from this place was the colors, and everything was neat and clean, hers works was always with colors and everything was so feminine. I think Harrison’s works are good investment because you can see the difference between hers works and others. Hers works are beautiful and you can have the capacity to visualize what she tried to say, if I were an artist of course I would collect hers works.
My second experience was in Gallery: Lehmann Maupin and the artists on display were Gilbert & George. What I disliked about this exhibition was that everything was posted in some frames with messages on it. I think this is not a good investment because I could not see ART on those frameworks everything was just written messages, even though I have learned that anything can be art, these works did not catch my attention.
In this paragraph I am going to talk about my two examples of each gallery. My first example of work is from Gallery: Greene Naftali "Hoarders" This work of art seemed to me beautifu, this work may imply to women’s beauty somehow. My second example is from Gallery: Lehmann Maupin “Girl”, this work of art was not quite good in my opinion because it was talking about some humility thing about women and its message was to scared people, talking about murder, missing people etc.
In conclusion my visit to Chelsea Galleries was amazing I could see artworks very simple, also wonderful. Even though it was not on the galleries list of our task I saw a lot of beauty and creative images on others galleries. In my opinion everything was interesting as well our trip. Every collection the artist may have is for some purpose in life, and I know a lot of people would like to collect anything from an artist even the less significant.
Rachel Harrison
"All in The Family"
Rachel Harrison
Gilbert & George
" Girl "
Gilbert & George
" Arson"
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